MGA Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd subscribe to and are bound by the National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA) Code of Practice (‘the Code’). The Code sets out service standards for insurance brokers to follow when dealing with clients and outlines what you need to do in the unlikely event you have a complaint.
For more information about the Code, visit
We understand that sometimes issues come up and you may have a complaint.
We will always do our best to provide you the highest level of service but if you are not happy or have a complaint or dispute, here is what you can do.
If you have any concerns or wish to make a complaint, in relation to your policy, our services or an insurance claim, please contact your broker in the first instance. If you are unable to contact your broker, you can contact us directly:
Complaints Officer
MGA Insurance Brokers
Phone: (08) 8291 2300
Post: Locked Bag 4001, KENT TOWN DC, SA 5071
We will attempt to resolve it in accordance with our Internal Dispute Resolution (“IDR”) procedure, which complies with the Insurance Brokers Code of Practice, ASIC guidelines and our commitment below.
As part of our IDR procedure, we will:
You may refer your complaint to AFCA at any time. If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction within 30 calendar days of the date on which you first made the complaint, AFCA may review it, subject to its Rules.
AFCA’s contact details are:
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
Phone: 1800 931 678
Post: Australian Financial Complaints Authority GPO Box 3 Melbourne, VIC 3001
Your complaint must be referred to AFCA within 2 years of the final decision, unless AFCA considers special circumstances apply. This service is free of charge.